The Stanthorpe QFS Restoration Project
Donations can be made by direct debit to our restoration fund.
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 197 485 030
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The QFS building lies within the Stanthorpe Railway precinct and is of heritage significance. It has its origins in the co-operative movement in Queensland and played a significant role in the development of the fruit growing industry.
In the 1890’s, with the growth of agriculture in the State groups of farmers formed co-operatives to provide benefits to members and to help market the produce. One of the most successful of these was one started at Woombye which eventually became the Queensland Fruitgrowers Society. The QFS building in Stanthorpe is the only one left within a railway precinct.
Marketing produce was a major problem in the early years, and the railway line to Stanthorpe which opened in 1881 was a significant benefit in the early years of the twentieth century to the burgeoning fruit industry.
Fruit growing as an industry in the area was one of the main reasons for establishing soldier settlement in the area after World War One, and in 1920 a branch line was opened to these soldier settlements, with most of the traffic on the line being fruit.
In 1921-2 the QFS ran special fruit trains from Stanthorpe, but in 1924, the Labor govt introduced wide ranging legislation in relation to agriculture, and in order to establish a more efficient state wide system of marketing, they introduced a Committee of Direction of Fruit marketing ( COD). The QFS was heavily involved in consultation and served on the board. In 1931 the QFS leased the land within the railway precinct in order to build a store and facilitate loading of produce on to trains. The building was shared with the COD.
This building burnt down in 1933, was rebuilt within 4 months and an extension added in 1936. This is the building which still exists today unfortunately in a fairly dilapidated condition. It was last used when the store was relocated to the industrial estate and since then has not been maintained.
Heritage Status
The QFS building is heritage listed with both Queensland Rail and the Southern Downs Regional Council.
The building is presently in poor condition and unsuitable for use. However, when restored, it has huge potential for community use.
The space within the building is enormous and would allow for many uses including community meeting spaces, art displays, historical displays, pop-up shops, workshops, demonstrations, kitchen facilities for hire, sale of local produce, tourist information, etc.
Ongoing costs of operation would be met from hiring charges, and commissions.
Restoration work is needed now if we are to reclaim this valuable part of the Granite Belt’s heritage.
You can help with fundraising and ideas and by supporting Artworks in this project. We have a dedicated fund for expenses and the journey starts now!
contact us Project team
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organisations and funding bodies.